Original World News

Original news from all over the world.

Date: 2024-09-16 20:24:10UTC


CNN: Fulton County, Georgia, jail leadership resigns after inmate's death and accusations of unsanitary conditions

Three officials at the Fulton County, Georgia, jail have stepped down amid an investigation into the death of an inmate whose family said was housed in a filthy, bug-infested cell that "was not fit for a diseased animal."

China News Service: 中秋节,藏着极致的浪漫和思念

中新网北京9月17日电(记者 上官云)在浓郁的秋色中,中秋佳节如期而至。作为中国的传统节日,它有着极为丰富的文化内涵。

CNN: He was free for 2 years. Now Crosley Green is back in prison for a crime he says he didn't commit

A Florida man who served three decades behind bars for a murder he says he didn't commit returned to prison Monday after spending the past two years building a life outside prison walls.

China News Service: 【文化中国行】到博物馆,听文物讲中秋故事

图①:西汉“蟾蜍玉兔”瓦当。西安秦砖汉瓦博物馆供图 图②:唐代宝相花纹月饼。新疆维吾尔自治区文化和旅游厅供图 图③:明青花瑶台赏月图瓷锺三组人物图像。湖北省博物馆供图 一轮明月,寄托着中国人几千年的团圆情感。嫦娥奔月、吴刚伐桂、玉兔捣药……这些中秋时节耳熟能详的故事流传甚广,也被古人刻画在了一件件精美的文物里,留在时间的长河中。

CNN: Tennessee Air National Guardsman applied to be a hitman online, the FBI says. It was a spoof website and now he's facing charges

A Tennessee Air National Guardsman is facing charges after applying to be a hitman on a spoof "rent-a-hitman" website, according to the Department of Justice.

China News Service: 文化中国行丨中秋节,感受月满敦煌大漠的极致之美


CNN: Family of victim and survivors of Indianapolis FedEx mass shooting file lawsuit against gun magazine manufacturer and distributors

The family of a victim and several survivors of a mass shooting at a FedEx facility in Indianapolis filed a lawsuit against companies involved in the manufacturing, marketing and sale of the high capacity magazine used by the gunman who killed 8 people and injured several others [...]

China News Service: 一渔船在韩国西部海域倾覆 船上8人全部获救

中新社首尔9月16日电 (记者 刘旭)一艘渔船16日在韩国全北特别自治道群山市附近海域倾覆,船上8人已全部获救。

CNN: GOP prepared to block vote to replace Feinstein on Senate Judiciary

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said on Tuesday that he hopes to replace Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein on the Senate Judiciary Committee with Sen. Ben Cardin of Maryland and aims to set up a floor vote on the issue this afternoon, which Republicans are expected to block. [...]

China News Service: “找月亮搭子”成中秋新风潮

中新社绍兴9月16日电 题:“找月亮搭子”成中秋新风潮

CNN: Anti-abortion doctors urge Supreme Court to keep mifepristone restrictions in place

A group of doctors opposed to abortion asked the Supreme Court Tuesday to restrict access to a key medication abortion drug while other legal challenges play out, as Wednesday night's deadline for the court to act approaches.

China News Service: 台风“贝碧嘉”过境后上海洋山港口岸逐步恢复作业

中新社上海9月16日电 (陈静 叶真于)受台风“贝碧嘉”影响,上海洋山港16日累计有52艘次国际航船变更靠离泊计划。洋山边检站方面透露,9月16日17时起至23时30分,计划有13艘船舶密集进港,目前已收到11艘船舶的靠港计划。

CNN: McCarthy makes plea for Republicans to back debt ceiling plan

Speaker Kevin McCarthy made a plea to House Republicans during a closed-door meeting Tuesday morning to back his debt ceiling plan, telling them that although it doesn't have to include everything they want, it will help get him to the negotiating table with President Joe Biden. [...]

China News Service: 俄总统普京签署命令 俄军事人员扩至150万人

中新社莫斯科9月16日电 俄罗斯总统普京16日签署“关于确定俄罗斯联邦武装力量人员编制”的命令,要求于2024年12月1日起在俄武装力量编制人员中增加18万名军事人员,至150万人。

CNN: Supreme Court seems sympathetic to postal worker who didn't work Sundays in dispute over religious accommodations

The Supreme Court seemed to side with a former mail carrier, an evangelical Christian, who says the US Postal Service failed to accommodate his request to not work on Sundays.

China News Service: 哈总统谈乌克兰危机:应支持中国和巴西提出的和平倡议

中新社阿斯塔纳9月16日电 (记者 单璐)哈萨克斯坦总统托卡耶夫当地时间16日在阿斯塔纳与到访的德国总理朔尔茨举行会谈时表示,俄乌之间实现和平的机会依然存在,中国和巴西提出的和平倡议值得支持。

CNN: China's economy is off to a solid start, rising 4.5% in Q1 2023

China's economy is off to a solid start in 2023 following its emergence from three years of strict pandemic restrictions.

China News Service: 天涯共此时!《中央广播电视总台2024年中秋晚会》明晚8点向全球播出


CNN: Even when wives make as much as husbands, they still do more at home

• Four out of the five US metro areas with the lowest unemployment are in Florida. Here's why • Opinion: The overlooked problem with raising the retirement age for Social Security

China News Service: 高铁上访谈又快又稳!岛内广传挪威首相赞叹大陆发展


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